Victory Hill Capital Partners LLP

Diversity & Inclusion Statement


Female staff at the end of 2022


Ethnic Diversity at the end of 2022


Different languages spoken

Diversity, equality, and inclusion are important to Victory Hill, and the Firm’s values state that we thrive on diversity, acceptance and teamwork.

We believe when individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences come together it brings a number of strategic benefits. In 2022 the board of directors of our flagship fund, GSEO, continued with a 50:50 spit in gender representation. This changed early in 2023 with the appointment of a fifth board member who is female.

Victory Hill grew its staff in 2022, to 16 full time employees, with 44% female staff at the end of the year. The firm also became more ethnically diverse with 56% coming from a non-white background at year end. Employees come from a diverse range of multicultural backgrounds including South America, Africa, Europe, USA, Asia and Australasia with 13 different languages spoken.